Dear Annie: I’m fed up with supporting a grown man

Dear Annie: I’m fed up with supporting a grown man

Dear Annie: I’ve dated a man for five years. He used to work, prior to the pandemic, but he hasn’t really actively applied to jobs. My biggest issue is the fact that I’m paying all the expenses for the household we share together, and he doesn’t need to do anything to assist me.

At the same time, he’s starting to treat me like a servant in my own house. He controls the TV. Foods that I like, he throws away, since he doesn’t eat them. He has outbursts and tantrums when I tell him to get a job.

I’m fed up with supporting a grown man. What should I do? — Frustrated

Dear Frustrated: He can complain all he wants, but numbers don’t lie. Sit down with your boyfriend and a financial planner so you can review all your finances together. He will be forced to confront the fact that he is not contributing to the household. Then, make a plan. A good couples counselor can help you two communicate. If that doesn’t work, be prepared to kick him out.

Read more Dear Annie and other advice columns.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].